

教材原始程式碼 http://www.isr.umd.edu/~austin/book.d/book-sourcecode.html


4.4 == 請同學練習找出下列程式錯誤之處並修正


int maim( void ) {
float fMiles;
int iCount, iNum;
double dDist, dTemp;

/* [a] : Announce program

printf( "STORAGE.C will illustrate how variables are stored in memory \n" );
printf( "------------------------------------------------------------ \n" );

/* [b] : Now list variables and their addresses. */

printf( "\"fMiles\" occupies %i bytes of storage that begins at location %x\n",
sizeof( float ), &fMiles );

printf( "\"iCount\" occupies %i bytes of storage that begins at location %x\n",
sizeof( int ), &iCount );

printf( "\"iNum\" occupies %i bytes of storage that begins at location %x\n",
sizeof( int ), iNum );

printf( "\"dDist\" occupies %i bytes of storage that begins at location %x\n",
sizeof( double ), &dDist );

printf( "\"dTemp\" occupies %i bytes of storage that begins at location %x\n",
sizeof( double ), &dTemp );}


4.3 == 請同學練習找出下列程式錯誤之處並修正


#include ;

int main( void ) {
enum day { Sun = 1, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat };
enum day eDay;

eDay = Sunny;
printf("Day %4d is on the weekend\n", eDay);
eDay = Mon;
printf("Day %4d is a work day \n", eDay);
eDay = Tue;
printf("Day %4d" is a work day \n", eDay);
eDay = Wed;
printf("Day %4d is a work day \n", eDay);
eDay = Thur;
printf("Day %4d is a work day \n", eDay);
eDay = Fri;
printf("Day %4d is a work day \n", eDay);
eDay = Sat;
printf("Day %4d is on the weekend\n", eDay");}


參考文獻:浮點數(實數)表示法( floating point notation )電概/95_1/1_7_浮點數.pdf

4.2 == 請同學練習找出下列程式錯誤之處並修正

int main( void ) {
char cName;
float fMiles;
int iCount;
double dDist;

/* [a] : Announce program */

printf( "STORAGE1.C : print size of basic data types \n" );
printf( "------------------------------------------- \n" );

/* [b] : Now list variables and their addresses. */

printf( "\"cName" occupies %2i bytes of storage\n", sizeof( char ));
printf( ""fMiles\" occupies %2i bytes of storage\n", sizeof( float ));
printf( ""iCount" occupies %2i bytes of storage\n", sizeof( int ));
printf( ""dDist" occupies %2i bytes of storage\n", sizeof( double ));


3.2 == 請同學練習找出下列程式錯誤之處並修正

#include /* Standard Input/Output function declarations */

int main( void ) {

float fRadius; /* Radius of circle */
float fArea; /* Area of circle */

/* [a] : Prompt User for "radius of circle" */

printf("Please input the circle radius (Radius > 0):");
scanf("%f", &fRadius);

/* [b] : Check that the radius in greater than zero */

if( fRadius <= 0 ) {
printf("ERROR >> Circle radius must be greater than zero\n");
exit (1);

/* [c] : Compute Area of Circle */

fPi = 4.0*atan( 2.0 );
fArea = fPi*fRadius*fRadius;

/* [d] : Print Radius and Area */

printf("Radius of Circle = %8.3f \n", fRadius );
printf("Area of Circle = %8.3f \n", fArea );

return (0);

3.1 == 請同學練習找出下列程式錯誤之處並修正 98/10/

#define PI 3.1415926

int main( void ) {

/* [a] : Print pi with default floating point output */

printf("My First Program : PI = %f \n, PI" );

/* [b] : Now experiment with conversion specifications */

printf("My First Program : PI = %14.7f \n", PI );
printf("My First Program : PI = %14.7e \n", PI );
printf("My First Program : PI = %14.7E \n", PI );
printf("My First Program : PI = %14.7g \n", PI );
printf("My First Program : PI = %14.7G \n", PI );
printf("My First Program : PI = %-14.7f \n", PI );
printf("My First Program : PI = %-14.7e \n", PI );
